
Posts Tagged ‘Space technology’

IAC 2009: Plenary Event 1

October 12th, 2009 No comments

During the First Plenary Event at IAC 2009, the heads of each one of the agencies made a brief presentation on their agencies goals and accomplishments.

One the most interesting presentations was made by Madhavan Nair, the Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization. Among other things he talked about the direct application of space technologies to make life easier to the Indian people.

One clear example is the Village Resource Center, where rural communities have access to a plethora of services like tele-medicine, tele-education, e-government, among others.


Tele-education in India. Source: ISRO

Tele-education in India. Source: ISRO


With a population of 1.1+ billion, a GDP per capita of 2 900 USD (in comparison, Peru’s GDP is 8 500 USD) and population growth of, approximately, 1.55 % per year, it is quite obvious that the Indian government needs all the tools at hand to improve the quality of life of Indians. *

* All figures were obtained from the CIA World Fact Book.

During the First Plenary Event at IAC 2009, the heads of each one of the agencies made a brief presentation on their agencies goals and accomplishments. One the most interesting presentations was made by Madhavan Nair, the Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization. Among other things he talked about the direct application of space technologies to make life easier to the Indian people. One clear example is the Village Resource Center

where rural communities have access to a plethora of services like tele-medicine, tele-education, e-government, among others.

With a population of 1.1+ billion, a GDP per capita of 2,900 UDS (in comparison, Peru’s GDP is 8,500 USD) and population growth of, approximately, 1.55 % per year, it is quite obvious that the Indian government needs all the tools at hand to improve the quality of life of Indians. *

* All figures were obtained from the CIA World Fact Book.

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